Change the Location, Change the Vibe: WFH Doesn’t Have to be At-Home!

2 min readAug 10, 2021
Different spots and positions can drastically change how you think, work, and feel.

So many of us have spent the last year or so working remotely, even if we didn’t want to. For others of us, remote has been a way of life long before the forceful influence of the pandemic. While quarantine meant #WFH was TRULY work-from-home (and-home-only), it’s important to consider how being strategic about your schedule and locations can drastically influence your productivity, energy, work, and networks.

Inspired by the interesting moves by Saks & WeWork transforming glamorous retail locations into glamorous co-working spaces, we were inspired to share some thoughts on how to use space to your advantage!

In your own office space, try to set yourself up with three key configurations:

  • Sitting at a desk for typing, working, and more formal video calls.
  • Standing at a desk for conversations, phone calls, and for your health.
  • Ergonomic armchair (or equivalent) for thinking, reading, and more casual meetings or calls.

It sounds trite, but switching between these positions throughout the day can go a long way in keeping you fresh, getting your head in the right space, while also setting the tone for what you’re working on. Having a brainstorming meeting seated in an armchair is a vastly different feeling to one sitting at your desk. Simple adjustments can yield significant differences.

Outside of the home office, you should also consider ways to introduce new and stimulating environments to your schedule to get into the right headspace, and to keep things fresh and active.

Some favorites that we recommend (when ‘COVID-safe’ of course!)

  • Libraries (Usually have great WiFi, reading rooms, bathrooms, etc. Nearly always under-appreciated!)
  • Universities (Many universities will have coffee shops, reading areas, and study areas scattered throughout, so long as you aren’t violating any of their access rules, they can be phenomenal places to work quietly.)
  • Coffee Shops (Obviously!)
  • Co-Working Spaces (Duh! Getting day passes is often easy, and a great way to meet interesting entrepreneurs and business owners)
  • Hotel Lobbies (Usually have great seating, ambience, WiFi, and bathrooms)
  • Restaurant Bars (Often will be happy to have a kind and quiet customer between lunch and dinner/happy-hour times)
  • Home of a Friend (Great to get some real co-working and social energy!)

We’d love to hear from you, what are the hidden gem spots that you enjoy getting some remote work done?

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